Why Do Dogs Lick the Air? An Overview of the Reasons Why Dogs Lick the Air

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Sarah Mitchell
Professional Pet Behaviorist

I'm Sarah Mitchell, your dedicated guide to understanding and improving your pet's behavior. As a Certified Pet Behavior Consultant (CPBC), I've spent years working closely...

Why do dogs lick the air? Although this behavior is not considered abnormal, many people wonder why their pet does this. First, an explanation of why your dog would want to do this is needed. The tongue is a very important sensory organ in dogs.

Why do dogs lick the air? Dogs lick the air because they are excited or in pain. When a dog is scared, this causes the animal to lick the ground or other surfaces in order to alleviate some of their discomfort. Some dogs with allergies may also excessively lick the air. If a dog has a compulsive disorder, licking the ground is a way for him to relieve stress. The vet can diagnose your pet if he does have a compulsive disorder by asking questions about his behavior.

Another reason why do dogs lick the air could be due to partial seizures: Partial seizures are a serious medical condition that can potentially kill your pet if not treated quickly. Dogs that suffer from partial seizures may lick the ground due to the excitement caused by going into a semi seizure.

If you suspect your dog has a compulsive disorder: you should take him to see the vet right away. Testing for these conditions is fairly simple. Your vet will want to check for high levels of cortisol in the urine, so the vet can run a blood test to see if you dog has Cushings Disease or another type of canine epilepsy. High levels of cortisol in the urine could mean that your dog has a seizure disorder. However, he might just have higher than normal levels of thyroid hormones, which can also indicate thyroid problems.

Some dogs lick the ground simply because they are nervous or anxious: Others lick the ground because of the scent or the food they think is there. Other dogs may excessively lick the floor due to stress. Whatever the reason, if your dog is licking the floor it could be very unhealthy and you should take your furry friend to see the vet for a proper diagnosis. It’s much better to get the problem diagnosed early on rather than let it continue and cause more stress for both you and your pet.

One more reason why do dogs lick the floor: is because they are preparing for something. Fleas, ticks and other bugs bite the dog and cause them to become very itchy and uncomfortable.

Therefore, your dog is preparing to either fight off or run away from the creature that is causing him to be uncomfortable.

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    Sarah Mitchell Professional Pet Behaviorist

    I'm Sarah Mitchell, your dedicated guide to understanding and improving your pet's behavior. As a Certified Pet Behavior Consultant (CPBC), I've spent years working closely with animals and their owners to address a wide range of behavior challenges. My passion for enhancing the bond between pets and their families has led me to become a recognized expert in the field. I specialize in tailoring behavior modification plans to address specific needs, whether it's separation anxiety, leash reactivity, or any other behavioral issue.

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