Why Do Dogs Sneeze?

Home » Dogs » Why Do Dogs Sneeze?
Sarah Mitchell
Professional Pet Behaviorist

I'm Sarah Mitchell, your dedicated guide to understanding and improving your pet's behavior. As a Certified Pet Behavior Consultant (CPBC), I've spent years working closely...

Have you ever seen a dog sneeze while running or playing? If yes then it will be a very strange thing for you. But if you are not aware of the reason behind it then you will be surprised. I am sure that you have not heard about it before.

I am sure you have read about dogs being afraid of thunderstorms and having bad dreams in the night. So, I am sure you will be wondering about this weird behavior of a dog.

So, here I am going to tell you the real reason behind this behavior of a dog.

What is the cause behind this strange behavior?

When a dog sneezes it is nothing but the result of the air that comes out of his nose. The air that comes out of the nose is known as nasal airway.

The nasal airway is a tube that connects the nostrils to the lungs. It is like a long tube and it is full of mucus. So, when a dog sneezes it is nothing but the release of the mucus.

Why does the dog sneeze?

Dogs are one of the most sensitive animals on the planet. They are more sensitive than cats, pigs, horses, rabbits, sheep, and even human beings. The reason behind this sensitivity is their anatomy.

Dogs have a very sensitive nose which is responsible for smelling and detecting things. If a dog is running or playing then he will sniff the air and smell something. If he finds any smell then he will sneeze.

So, the reason why dogs sneeze is that they are so sensitive that they can smell anything.


I hope you liked this post about “Why do Dogs Sneeze?”. I am sure you must have some questions in your mind about it. So, if you have any question then you can ask me through the comment section below.

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    Sarah Mitchell Professional Pet Behaviorist

    I'm Sarah Mitchell, your dedicated guide to understanding and improving your pet's behavior. As a Certified Pet Behavior Consultant (CPBC), I've spent years working closely with animals and their owners to address a wide range of behavior challenges. My passion for enhancing the bond between pets and their families has led me to become a recognized expert in the field. I specialize in tailoring behavior modification plans to address specific needs, whether it's separation anxiety, leash reactivity, or any other behavioral issue.

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